It was high time for me to try SketchUp! Loooooong overdue activity to be honest.
Sometime last month, I suddenly recalled that my SketchUp 8 installer had been buried long enough in my hard drive. I got it last year from my friend, Allie, who taught me how to go about the different tools of the software. So I pulled it up and installed it on my computer and earlier this month, I began to experiment with it. Basically, I tested the nature of SketchUp - the correspondence of its tools to AutoCAD. I discovered that not all the functions I know in AutoCAD are present in SketchUp. They have to be downloaded and copied to the plugins folder. Even the render tool has to be downloaded that's why I just screen grabbed the one below. This is my first design attempt and I call it the Pinnacle Chair. I shall redo this in AutoCAD and tell the story behind the design on my next post.
To sum up the experience, I was trying to do something outside my comfort zone (AutoCAD) which I have been in for more than a year now. Nagpapaka-versatile! (Trying to become versatile!) So it's now possible that the upcoming design posts would be done either on SketchUp or AutoCAD.